

跪求灰太狼与喜洋洋英语版 一个小片段就行 最好是灰太狼与他老婆那一段的










(懒)“(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……,我让你除不尽.”(小声的)





























懒羊羊走到村口 ,看见灰太狼的自动作业机,便走过去,把作业本放进去,就在这个时候,灰太狼抓住它的手。

















(灰太狼)“我一定会回来的!”(Village) “lazy Yang Yang!” (Angry)

(Lazy Yang Yang during sleep)

(Village) “lazy Yang Yang!!”

(Xi Yang Yang) “lazy Yang Yang, the village head tell you to do.” (Gently)

(Lazy Yang Yang) (drowsily) “TU? Village, is not it after class now? Oh! Winter vacation strategy!” (Happy)

(Village) “lazy Yang Yang! To ask you a question: Three Stooges top of a Zhuge Yang mean?”

(Lazy Yang Yang) “ah … …”

(Fei Yang Yang) (whisper) (more than gestures designated)

(Lazy Yang Yang) “Oh, the village head, I know. I ask you, that 10 heads are the top few Zhuge Yang then?” (Leisurely)

(Lazy )”(*^__^*)嘻嘻… …, I let you indivisible. “(Whisper)

(Village) “lazy Yang Yang! Winter job you do double!”

“The following winter layout operations: Language 8 workbooks. Math: 4 dignified practice. … English …”

“Dinglinger … …”

(All) “slightly after class! Strategy goes on winter break!”

(Village) (angry) “English 2 Workbook … … – but changed to 6啦!”

(All) “ah -”

A month has passed —

The last day of winter break —

(Gray Wolf telescopes looking towards the village sheep)

(Red Wolf) “Wolf! Do not catch the sheep!” Flying over a pan

(Wolf) (pretending to pain), “his wife, do not worry ah, you see, this is my 1 second to do to spend one month out – automatic operations machine!”

From a pan, (Red Wolf) “Do you know! For the sake of this thing, I ate a salad on the weeds!”

(Wolf) “Well my wife Do not worry, as long as we do … …” whispered a few words in the ears.

(They know the program on all burst out laughing)

(Red Wolf) “It does not grab the sheep! ~”

(Wolf) “wife, you are waiting for my good news!”

Qingqingcaoyuan —

(Lazy Yang Yang Yang Yang, and boiling) (knock squad home) “squad leader, you work through the copy we copy it really do?”

(Warm Yang Yang squad leader) “However, because the mayor know that you would copy my work, so long my job taken away.”

(Lazy, boiling) (Zhang mouth)

(Lazy Yang Yang, and boiling met Xi Yang Yang Yang Yang came to the playground)

(Two) “Xi Yang Yang, operating through the copy we copy it really do?”

(Xi Yang Yang) “However, I do not ah, I have been the night before the last day to do.”

(That two persons), “Cut! As a good student, how can it not do work!”

(Xi Yang Yang) (resignation)

(US Yang Yang) “lazy Yang Yang, Yang Yang boiling, how you can do it! You yourselves have not done yet.”

(Two) (for a look, like a baby) “US Yang Yang, to work through our copy, OK?”

(U.S.) “But … …” (blushing) “I have not done … ah …”

Lazy Yang Yang went to village and saw the gray wolf is too automatic operations machine, then walked over, put into operation this go on at this time, Gray Wolf grab it by the hand.

(Wolf) “Oh, lazy Yang Yang, I shall now go home – so you do not have homework in.”

Wolfsburg —

(Wolf) “wife, I’m back!”

(Red Wolf) (joy look like) “ah! Lamb!”

(Wolf) “wife quickly boil water!”

(Red Wolf) a pan fly over, “Wolf!!

(Wolf) “Yes, my wife, I went to boil water!”

(Lazy Yang Yang) “Red Wolf sister, I beg you to complete one last wish bar!” (Begging the eyes)

(Red Wolf) (very happy) “will really tell the truth, anyway, you always have to be my food, your desire to complete the bar!”

(Lazy Yang Yang) “Sister, I would like the last job done!”

(Red Wolf) “Well!”

(See the window dodging lazy Yang Yang Xi Yang Yang)

(Wolf) “my wife! How bad this pot?”

(Red Wolf) “how could that be? Newly purchased … …” walked past.

Xi Yang Yang came in holding lazy Yang Yang and ran, ran out of Wolfsburg. Gray Wolf and Red Wolf also repair pot.

(Xi Yang Yang) (smile) “3! 2! 1!” (Explosion)

(Wolf) “I will come back!”












产品名称 燃气快速热水器

产品型号 JSY5-C JSR5-C JST5-C

使用燃气 液化石油气 人工煤气 天然气



280~300mmH2O 800~1000Pa

80~100mmH2O 2000~2500Pa


额定热负荷 37MJ/h

额定燃气耗量 0.368HM3h 0.964HM3h 1.04HM3h


使用水压 0.04~1.0Mpa(0.4~10kgf/cm2)

寸 温升25 51/min

温升40 31/min

温升55 21/min

燃气入口 G1/2″

冷水入口 G1/2″

热水入口 G1/2″

外形尺寸 4.06mm(高)×293mm(宽)×230mm(厚)

重量 6.2kg


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